Faith United Church of Christ supports the following ministries and more through the generous giving of financial resources and time.

Buffalo City Mission
Buffalo City Mission offers long-term recovery programs, counseling, work and life-skills training, education assistance and health-care services for homeless men, women and families committed to turning their lives around. They offer outreach programs to prevent homelessness for individuals and families in the low-income community.

Plymouth Crossroads
Plymouth Crossroads is a voluntary residence for up to 8 homeless adolescent youth in Lancaster. There are over 100 homeless youth in Erie County at any given time. Established in 2010, Plymouth Crossroads provides each resident with a stable home and community links to education, health services, volunteer community service, and job training. Residents spend at least 30 hours each week going to school and working. Plymouth Crossroad’s ultimate goal is to provide safe, permanent housing for homeless youth.

Food Bank of WNY
The Food Bank of WNY, through 457 member agencies, distributes nearly 1 million pounds of food to help more than 100,000 people in WNY. Of these, 40% are children. The Food Bank’s mission is to obtain food and support from public and private sources and efficiently redistribute these to charities such as soup kitchens, pantries, and shelters.

UCC Dunkirk Conference Center
UCC Dunkirk Conference Center is our church camp, and is located on Lake Erie. We support the Conference Center through many activites throughout the year and we are the sole sponsor of Cabin 23 on the grounds. At the beginning of the camping season we go to Dunkirk and clean up the cabin and provide any accessories that may be needed (i.e. curtains)

One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is a multi-denominational Christian effort to empower, provide water, supply food, and give relief from disasters.